- Length: 10.32 Miles
- Time: 3 Hours 59 Minutes
- Steps: 24,268
- Enjoyment Rating: 5/10
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Location
- Free Entry

The full length of the trail is 9.5 miles through Racoon Creek State Park. Although The Heritage Trail is only on-way, it intersects with other hiking trails that loop and it passes by picnic areas. I began the hike by going up a steep hill with lots of tree roots sprawled across the pathway. It took me about 10 minutes to make the climb. This was honestly the hardest part of the trail. After this, the trail leveled off and I made my way through the woods. The width of the path varies throughout the trail with green overgrowth on either side, specifically lots of ferns!
The Heritage Trail was a moderate difficulty level. There were a lot of gradual inclines and declines along the way with a few VERY steep hills. There was only one minor obstacle, which was a tree that had fallen across the path. In terms of muddiness, it had previous rained two days prior to this hike and there were only about five patches of mud on the trail. I was able to hop across logs other hiker had laid down or go around the mud.
Unique Aspects

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, “the Heritage Trail passes through land inhabited by Beaver County’s first settlers and follows some of the first wagon roads in the early 1800s”.

After about 15 minutes I came to a large tree that had fallen across the trail. It was fun to decide whether to crawl under it and get dirty or hop up and climb over it.
There was a stretch of level land with tall trees surrounding both sides of the pathway. It was beautiful and a great spot to take pictures!

There was a thick vine between two trees that made a swing. It was low-hanging, but I was still able to hop on! Disclaimer: There is a high possibility of falling off the swing!
There was a small stream that I needed to cross by walking over a “bridge” made out of rocks. The old, wooden bridge was pushed off to the side because it broke during a flood sometime last year.

There was a long, wooden bridge above a swamp area surrounded by small, green trees. Be careful! There is a hole at the beginning of the bridge.

Towards the 4 mile mark of the trail, there is a downhill section where there was a drop-off to the left side. At the bottom of the cliff was a small river.
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