- Time: 1 Hour 15 Minutes
- Rating 2/5
- Difficulty: Easy
- Price: $12 first hour + $6 each additional hour
- Location: 430 Raccoon Park Road, Clinton, PA 15206


Kayaking at Raccoon Creek State Park is a fun activity to do on a sunny day. I got to the boat rental at 10:00 A.M and was the first person of the day to rent a kayak. I signed a waiver, one person in the group handed over their photo ID, and I was on the water within 10 minutes! This is during the COVID-19 Pandemic, so don’t forget to bring your mask and practice safe social distancing from everyone!

I began by going to the left, which is against the current. The water was clean, but it was your typical lake water with questionable particles floating on the surface. Don’t be fooled by the picture, the reflection from the sky makes the water look blue. In person it was more of a dirty green color. There are also fish in the lake. I saw a few of them jump out of the water while I was kayaking.
I paddled against the slow moving current and continued on until I got the a Y shape in the lake. There was a small island with vegetation that split the lake in a Y shape. As I paddled to the left, the water became more shallow as the width of the lake narrowed.

The current slowed and the noise of the wildlife became louder. Especially the sound coming from this weird, yelling frog. I followed the narrow path of the lake to the left until I reached a small waterfall. This is where the end of the lake was located. In this area you are able to get out of the kayak to stretch your legs or to do a little exploring.
Disclaimer: This waterfall is very tiny and looks more like a stream. But I don’t discriminate, it was still a beautiful waterfall.

After stopping here for a few minutes, I paddled back down the smaller pathway and continued to back-track on main loop of the lake. On the way back you have the option to continue to the right (the way I originally came) or go to the left. Both directions lead you back to the Y shape split in the lake so it’s up to you which way you want to go! I chose to go to the right. From here, I made my way back to the boat rental because my arms were tired. This loop took 1 hour and 15 minutes, but you are able to stay out for longer.
Additional Pictures!

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